New territories in antibiotic treatment: do not fight staphylococci resistance – turn to real pathogens

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New territories in antibiotic treatment: do not fight staphylococci resistance – turn to real pathogens
Osipov G.A., Bystrova O.V., Vedenin A.N.

N.D.Zelinsky Institute of Organic Chemistry; Interlab; Moscow, Russia; . One of new territories to fight Microbial Resistance is the territory of real pathogens – anaerobes, actinobacteria, viruses and fungi in addition to aerobes suitable to clinical cultivation. The way to effective antibiotic treatment comes through microbes detection using noncuctural methods, and especially mass-spectrometry of microbial markers (MSMM). It provides low cost, time consuming (2 hour) quantification of more than seventy microorganism’s taxons (bacteria, viruses, fungi) directly in clinical material (blood, urea, saline, pus, exudates, sputum etc.). MSMM data confirm, that infection is polymicrobial, and that human body itself appears to be the basic source of microbes, mostly of anaerobes. Various measurements show, that aerobes influence is secondary in disease. Using MSMM it was confirmed, that the anaerobes of Clostridium, Eubacterium, Peptostreptococcus, Actinomyces genera, and actinobacteria such as Streptomyces, Nocardia, also Aspergilus-like fungi and viruses are dominants in polymicrobial infection. It appeared, that microbes division for pathogenic and not pathogenic is artificial, and all microbes plays both roles. Microbial markers concentration screening in inflamed organs and blood prove microbes translocation and reproduction in inflammation loci. During studying of abdominal infection, in one case cultural method revealed only staphylococci, while MSMM showed that C. perfringens content is 30 times dominated over them in the same patient. Treatment toward C. perfringens was effective. Another case showed that C. ramosum over than 100 times overestimate Staphylococcus aureus in inflamed tissue of septic patient. Large amount of Nocardia, Eubacterium, Actinomyces, Ruminococcus spp and Streptococcus mutans. Fungi and viruses were found at endometry of womans with terminated pregnancy. We call do not persuade the staphylococci at septic and wound infections or pseudomonades in cystic fibrosis – turn treatment against main microbial agents.

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